1. What kind of leadership do you do in DAoC? (e.g., guild leadership? leading multi-group PvE or RvR raids? RvR gank groups? all of the above?)

  2. Have you had any formal leadership training in RL? (e.g., military, leadership seminars, etc.)

  3. What background has helped you become the leader you are now? it>(e.g., raising kids, just plain leading raids in DAoC, having been a business leader, etc.)

  4. What background/experience (in and out of game) has helped you with the *tactics and strategies* of RvR?

  5. What is your approximate age? (20-24, 25-29; or 20-29, 30-39, etc.)

  6. Do you have or have you had your own family? (i.e., live(d) in your own household (not your parents') with at least one other person)

  7. What are your goal(s) and motivation(s) as a leader? (e.g., to win? to make sure everyone has a good time? RPs? fame & fortune?)

  8. What are the most important traits of a good leader, and what, in your opinion, distinguishes a good leader from a *bad* leader?

  9. What should an aspiring leader always keep in mind? What mistakes should he/she avoid? (Multple answers ok)

  10. What, in your opinion, makes a good follower?

  11. Do you have a leader role-model, or someone whose style you emulate in whole or part?

  12. Who do you think are other good leaders (in game/out of game)?

  13. Any more comments on your own style of leadership (and/or "followship")?

  14. Bonus question: Some of you role-play while leading. Any comments on the role of roleplaying with leadership?

  15. Do you think leadership in DAoC has had positive (or even negative) effects in you and your Real Life? If so, in what way?

  16. If you have alts that take up leadership, do you find that followers treat you differently when they don't know it's "you"?

DAoC Leadership Resources