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Week of 05 July 2009

A Warhammer Online Web Comic

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06 July 2009: G*rk Respec 2

G*rk DPS Shaman ... not great til you get all new stats and gear :P

08 July 2009: G*rk Respec 3

So get all new stats and gear....

08 July 2009: G*rk Respec 4

Just respec back to heal spec already.

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Art, text copyright 2009 by Eri Izawa ("Rei"). Mythic Entertainment, "Warhammer Online," "Dark Age of Camelot" (DAoC), are trademarks of Electronic Arts, Inc.

Note: You can send War Addict feedback/comments to: "reijin_iii" at the domain name "yahoo.com".
